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Write for Us

We welcome guest posts! If you're interested in contributing to our site, please review and adhere to the following guidelines before submitting your article. Note that a small editorial fee applies. For further details and pricing, fill out our Contact Us form or email us directly for a prompt response.

General Guidelines

To ensure your article meets our standards, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Original Content: Your article must be unique and high-quality. No plagiarism.
  2. Word Count: Articles should be at least 1000 words.
  3. Links: You may include up to 2 do-follow links.
  4. Prohibited Topics: Content or outbound links related to casinos, betting, gambling, or drugs (including CBD) are not allowed.
  5. Handwritten: Articles must be handwritten.
  6. Turnaround Time: We aim to review and respond within 24 hours.
  7. Editorial Fee: A small fee of Rs 3000 PKR per article applies (subject to monthly revision).

How to Submit

Please send your article as a .docx or .doc file. We prefer submissions via Google Docs, as it allows our editor to easily review and provide feedback. Avoid sending zip files unless specifically requested by our editor. Remember, we do not accept articles related to CBD and make sure you comply with our terms and conditions.

For any questions or to submit your article, fill out our Contact Us form or email ( us directly. We look forward to your contributions!